Tuesday, April 9, 2013

International Friendship Day Activity

Dear Parents,

By now I'm sure your child would have told you that they are required to surf the net to look for a country's flag based on the continent given to them. Do follow the instructions given below should they forget what they are supposed to do.
  1. Choose a flag of a country according to their given continent. They are to draw and colour at the given template.
  2.  Take note of the colours of the flag and what the colour represents. They could either write it on a piece of paper of print the page. Put it in their homwork file once they are have done that.
  3. Go to http://www.worldatlas.com/cntycont.htm . Click on a country to read about the country. Click on flags to see the flag of the country. The flag of the country is the one on the left.
Ensure that they have done it before Friday. They will need the flag, information and glue on Friday during International Friendship Day. Students are to wear other country's costumes with their school shoe. Lesson is as per normal on that day.

Thank you.

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