Thursday, July 11, 2013

Chinese (MT) Updates - Tuesday and Wednesday (9/7 - 10/7)

Work Covered/课堂教学

  • 一下第七课(我爱阅读:识读识写字)
  • 一下第七课 - 阅读理解练习(Comprehension Practice)
  • 一下第七课活动本练习 (1B Chinese Activity Book)
Administrative Matters/班上行政
Dear Parents,

Starting from this term, there will be an ongoing enrichment programme for the students which takes place only once a week (On Wednesdays) where students are grouped to attend either a customised oracy package to enhance their oracy skills, or a lesson on the “深广" text in their Chinese textbook. This programme is solely for enrichment and there are no differentiated streams in the case of a real banding of the students. 

The Primary One teachers are each designated to conduct either the oracy package or the “深广" lesson, and for my case, I conduct the “深广" lesson. Thus on Wednesdays, students who are in the core group will go to another class (1D or 1G) to attend the oracy package.

Majority of the students in Primary One form the Core group, where they attend the customised oracy package. During this lesson, students get many opportunities to interact and converse in Mandarin with each other, and they are also introduced to vocabulary connected with different themes (eg. School Facilities, Colours).

A smaller number of students are selected to attend lessons on the “深广" text in their Chinese textbook. We selected these students based on their overall performance in Chinese for the first semester. This group of students have shown strength in their oracy skills and during this enrichment lesson, we work to tap on their reading skills. Please do note that students belonging to this group will be sitting for the same assessment as the rest of the school. This one extra text that they read is solely for their enrichment and they will not be tested.

p.s. There will be some weeks where the enrichment programme will not take place due to ongoing PERI assessments or school events happening on the same week.

Hope this addresses some of your concerns of the spliting of classes on Wednesdays.
Thank You!

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