Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Update on Concerns raised by parents

1) How often is the aircon being serviced?

The aircon is being serviced montly according to our OM.

2) Ventilation issue

Whenever the room is stuffy, I will usually open the back door of the class. Currently, there is not stuffiness felt as the gap timing between the time the morning session students leave the room to the time the P1s enter the class is about 20 mins or less.
3) Seating Arrangement
I have arranged their seating arrangement such that no one is blocking your child's view when they are seated on the chair. When I am teaching, students are seated in front to ensure that they are able to see the board and screen.

During the times when they are required to copy things into their student diary or book, students are allowed to come to the front if they are not able to see from where they are seated.

4) Cleanliness of the class

The classroom is being swept daily.

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